Monday, November 30, 2009

Singapore zoo

We have just come to the end of our singapore trip and it has been so fantasic mainly due to Martina and Richard who have shown us what a wonderful city this is. Yesterday we left Raffles after a luxurious night's sleep and when to Richard and Martina's house in the suburbs. It's in a complex with pool, water slides and playground so matt and emma and M and R's children all had a fantastic afternoon.
Later for dinner we walked along the Orchard Road to see the christmas lights and at one of the corners a christmas scene had been set up complete with snow (foam) They all immersed themselves fully and had to then walk with the boys naked from the waist up and soggy shorts and Lucy and emma just had tops from the adults for dinner. It was so hot though that they hardly noticed. This morning we got up early and went to Singapore Zoo for breakfast with the urang-utans. It was absolutely magical. The rest of the zoo was the best I've ever been to and in the children's area there was a waterpark where the children stripped off to their togs and had a great time in the water. It was another scorching day so they were glad of the cool down. Unfortunately I lost my phone in a taxi and have no chance of getting it back. It's such a pain in the neck but I suppose not the worst thing that could have happened. I'd really like anyone that thinks of it to email me their number so I can put it in the new sim card that I'll buy in NZ. We're leaving here in an hour for the next leg of our journey. Just to explain the two other children in the pictures are Martina and Richard's eldest two, Lucy and Michael. Thanks again Martina and look forward to seeing you again in NZ!

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