Sunday, December 6, 2009


We left Wellington after a very comfortable few days. Thank you Catherine for taking us to all the interesting places in the city and also for sharing your house, even giving up your bed! We left just after lunch and drove up the coast to Wanganui where we spent our first night in a backpackers hostel. On the way we passed through a place called Bulls where all the businesses were imagintivly named like the police station called Const-a-bull and the pharmacy Indispens-a-bull. In Wanganui we had a family room with its own shower and there was a garden with a trampoline which was good fun for Matt and Emma. In the morning it was a beautiful day so we had school outside and then went up the tower which over looks the town. there is a lift that runs up the centre of the hill to get to the tower which was great fun.
We set out after lunch and headed towards Ohakune where we are staying tonight and leaving early tomorrow for our river trip. We'll be heading down the Whanganui river in kayaks and camping at the riverside for the next 4 days. We have all our stuff packed in waterproof barrels ready to go. It was a lovely hot day today and we're hoping for more of the same for the river trip. Matt and Emma have decided to go native and try not to wear shoes for the entire summer. Ohakune is a lovely town but it feels strange to be here while it's so hot because it seems to be mainly geared to skiers and snowboarders. There's a mountain nearby that still has snow on it.
The scenery on the drive up was so beautiful! the hills round here are amazing and seemingly impossible the way they are so steep and pointy but all totally grassy. It's hard to describe but you'll know what I mean if you've been to NZ.
Next post will be in 4 days time but feel free to comment so that I don't feel like I'm posting to nothingness.


  1. Believe it or not, extremely hot in Wellington as well today. Commented to Kiwi pal in the office that you'd be cursing me for insisting on polypro gear for the camping/river trip. Her view is that it's a small insurance fee for good weather - and that you'll need it other times. Polypro is after all the Kiwi Way, especially worn under shorts and t-shirts.

  2. Greetings from Douglas.

    The blog is great and it looks like you're having fun. I know what you mean about the hills!
    Love from wet and windy Cork
    Chris Rose Rebecca Sarah & Ciara
