A VERY brave Stephen crossing a swing bridge on the way to Wainui Falls. For someone who doesn't like swing bridges this was a very scary one to cross.
Mick drying like a mermaid on a rock after diving into a swimming hole in the river. I also got a photo of him stripping off to get into his togs but maybe the blog isn't the best place for that.
A typical 'bush track' with small tree ferns.
A cicada which really drum up a racket once it gets warm enough. They've been the soundtrack to our trip.
Some colourful beehives that we've seen dotted here and there around the country.
some original advertising
Like in the U.S. the letter boxes are at the ends of drives and gateways here and there are quite a few inventive boxes like this milk churn along with the standard ones.
Jill and Steve.
Jill at Wainui Falls
An Australasian harrier or hawk which you see lots of here. Usually feeding off dead possums on the roads or hunting over fields
Jill with a (thankfully dead) Weta on her shoulder. Yuk!
Yet another weaving class
Tata Beach, our favourite. Mick, Emma and Matt are in the water in this one.
I can't really believe we've only three weeks to go before we're home again. Just a week and a half more here, then back to Wellington, on to Sydney for 3 days, Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef for 4 days and Tokyo for 2 before flying back to Dublin.